Welcome to North West Allergy Testing Clinics...
...based in Chorley but with easy access from Manchester, Wigan, Bolton, Blackburn, Preston and with easy access from Blackpool, Burnley and Warrington via the Motorway network.
The North West Allergy Testing Clinics have over 30 years’ experience in helping those suffering from Allergy and Food Intolerance problems.

The North West Allergy Testing Clinics have provided Allergy and Food Intolerance screening service for over 30 years in the Manchester and Lancashire areas, and helped thousands of people improve their health by identifying and helping them eliminate many of the basic underlying imbalances which have caused their health problems.
Clients that have attended our Clinic have suffered from a wide range of health problems including allergies, food intolerances, IBS, Chronic Fatigue, M.E, M.S, Acne, Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, constipation, arthritis, thyroid imbalance, anxiety, depression and more.

Identifying Your Allergies and Food Intolerances
Identifying the root cause of ill health is what we are concerned with. We offer the Industry Standard IgG Food intolerance testing as well as the IgE Allergy Testing (blood spot) ,we also offer the Bioresonance testing.
The IgG Food Intolerance and the IgE Allergy Testing are the industry standard blood spot testing we also offer Bioenergetic testing the most advanced technology in the field of energy medicine, and it is the first Bio-Energetic health screening system in the world to have its hardware and software approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the largest Healthcare Organisation with responsibility for over 315 million people. The Electro-Dermal Screening System can be found in Hospitals and Doctors' Surgeries throughout the USA.

The Technology is similar to a Electocardiogram in that small pulses of electricity are passed throughout your body via the skin (Electro-Dermal), and the results are displayed on a screen similar to a heart monitor; totally painless.
Allergy and Food Intolerance Screening
Is the food you are eating making you ill? Would you like help to change your diet, nutrition and lifestyle to get your health and life back on track? North West Allergy Testingcovers the Whole of the North West including Manchester, Bolton and Preston. We have provided non-invasive testing services for over 30 years and helped thousands of people improve their health by identifying and helping them eliminate many of the basic underlying imbalances which have caused their health problems.
For more Information
We have successfully helped people suffering from a varying range of health problems including allergies, food intolerances, IBS, Chronic Fatigue, M.E, M.S, acne, eczema, fibromyalgia, asthma, constipation, arthritis, thyroid imbalance, anxiety, depression and more.
Digestive Health/IBS Food Test
If your aim is to find out what's causing your constant bloating, wind, acid reflux or your changeable bowel movements and want to stop it, great: you are in the right place.
Bowel health is the number one key to good health. The bowel is the main route for toxin elimination and is where many minerals, water and other substances are absorbed. It also plays a very important role in immunity and believe it or not, the bowel is classed as the second brain! As well as carrying 1000's of neurochemicals.
For more Information
Lots of things can go wrong with digestion and bowel health. Some of them are relatively simple to deal with, and others a lot more complex. Over the years we have seen many people with a diagnosis of ‘IBS' or myriad digestive symptoms which turned out to be caused by one of the factors below.
Food intolerance is the one of the leading causes, followed by lack of proper digestion and candida overgrowth. For constipation we have found that it is usually a fault of the vagus nerve, and recommend a course of Colonic Irrigation.